Will the fashion industry bounce back?

The clothing and fashion industry has taken. massive hit over the past 12 months. Many retailers have spent much of the year closed due to the Covid lockdown restrictions and even the few times they were allowed to open, were very different. Changing rooms were closed and long queues to get in and out of shops started to form, putting many people off.

Some retailers have still been able to trade online but with delays to the postal service and not being able to see items before you buy them, online shopping is certainly not for everyone. Much of the public have tried to be careful with their money and not spend unnecessarily. Also many of us have had nowhere to go, so thought it was pointless buying more clothes when we had no opportunity to wear them.

Retail is look to open up again from the middle to end of April, and many shops are hoping that this will start and influx of shoppers once again. It is likely that after being cooped up for so long, lots of people will want to go on a shopping spree. It has not been decided yet as to whether shops will fully open changing rooms etc, but many are hoping for a quick return to normality.

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About the Author: Drew