Author: Drew
Eternity Rings

So he finally pops the question and produces a beautiful engagement ring that’s worn alone until the day you get married and get to wear an equally stunning wedding ring, but when do you get an eternity ring?…
Read More »Buying designer labels doesn’t have to cost hundreds

Most of us would love to be able to afford to live in designer labels and have the newest fashion accessory but often this just isn’t possible. IF you go into a designer shop you can expect very…
Read More »Finding the perfect wedding ring

Many people worry about choosing a wedding ring for their partner, but often couples decide to do it together rather than leave it as a surprise. This can overcome problems such as it not being to the other…
Read More »Do you have difficulty wearing earrings?

Women and men all over the world wear earrings, some keep the same pair in for months whilst others chop and change every day depending on what they are wearing and where they are going. For some people,…
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